Friday, April 29, 2011

A Royal Wedding

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love all things girlie and beautiful. A fairytale wedding is no exception. I am not a die hard. I didn't wake up too early, but I did make a hat and attended a royal wedding party at the home of a friend and ate cucumber sandwiches and scones and soaked up every beautiful detail. I loved her dress. Someone mentioned that she looked a lot like Grace Kelly. What do you think?

I loved all of the pomp and circumstance that accompanies a royal wedding. I hope they make it. I hope they have a happy ending to such a beautiful beginning. What did you all think?

Monday, April 18, 2011


I am sitting here in my quiet house. Reid is napping and Riley is at school. I am chowing on some Easter candy that I am supposed to bring to Riley's school and looking out at a snowy world. UGH!!! Yes! I said snow! I am over the crappyness of the weather here in Michigan. Anyways... It is nice to have peace and quiet every once in a while. I wish Chris was here to enjoy it with me.