Monday, September 28, 2009


UGH!!! First I have to say that I love being pregnant. I love feeling the baby move and seeing my belly grow. I love hearing the heartbeat and having Riley and Chris rub and kiss my belly. What I don't love is the beginning of heartburn. Last night I had a horrible night. Riley wanted to sleep in our bed and I was up a lot because of that. In between being hit in the face with Riley I had heartburn. It was uncomfortable and irritating. I am sitting here before bed wishing I had some tums. I will have to pick some up tomorrow. I guess it is going to get worse before it gets better.

Anyways.... I am 33 weeks this week and can't believe it. My sister Mary had her baby yesterday and I am kinda freaked out about it. I hope I feel ready when the time comes. I am getting scared.


AngiDe said...

Welcome to the club!! This is why my home will NEVER go without Tums they are essentail!!
Good luck!


Linz said...

Normally I don't have to worry about this until 3rd tri but it has started way early for me. I take Tums every day and last week started taking a Zantac every night. I still am awakened at least once a week with it so I take a few more Tums, sit up right for awhile and then I'm fine. I hope Tums help you. I swear when I'm pregnant, just drinking water gives me heartburn! (I'm exaggerating a little.)

Tums Smoothies taste the best but I take Tums Ultra because I think they work better.

Elizabeth Downie said...

Booo! Heart burn is the worst! :( I hope you feel better soon!

Jessica said...

Oh I hope you feel better soon!! Let me know if you need anything. Doug and I are so excited to have another nephew! :O)

Erin said...

you are getting C.L.O.S.E.!! Heartburn, charlie horses...ahhh the joys of the final weeks of pregnancy. Hang in there, girl!! It just means he will have tons of gorgeous (Beth like) hair!! :)

Love you! ;)

bethy said...

I am getting charlie horses!! I don't remember that from Riley but man... they stink!! Thanks for all the comments. Being in the home stretch is nice.