Monday, October 26, 2009

Mixed feelings

Being a mother is so emotionally challenging! Sometimes I laugh until I cry and other times I just cry. Riley is changing a lot lately and I don't really know what to do about it. He gets mad a lot and yells a lot. I try to be patient and loving but that can last only so long. I guess it doesn't help that I can barely walk and I am not sleeping well either. I feel like my emotions are raw. I hate yelling at Riley but sometimes I feel like I lose all control of myself. I don't like that feeling either. I just had to vent.


Linz said...

You're not alone sistah. Vent anytime.

Wee Sisters Three said...

Ethan is a couple days younger than Riley. He's the exact same way. He all of a sudden seems angry and he'll have huge tantrums and scream and hit and kick. It makes me feel like a horrible mom. Don't feel alone if he acts up. I know your a great mom.

michelle said...

Vent on Sister! I fell like I have lost my mind with three. I love my girls so much but by the end of the day I am so exhausted that the littlest thing will set me off. I have to learn to give myself a timeout. But you know I love my mom and I know she yelled and got mad at us but I can't remember a particular moment of that but I can vividly remember all the good times. So just make sure the good times outweigh the bad and say your sorry! I think that's all we can do...oh and eat chocolate and vent! You are the best mom ever, hang in there!

Kristen said...

Beth, I think you are doing a great job. I don't have kids yet, but I have been around a lot of 3 year olds and they all seem to be that way. I know you are doing your best, and all he needs for you to do is just be there for him and keep him safe, which is what you're doing! Love you.