Sunday, June 6, 2010


Some times I wonder how I am going to teach Riley about certain things. I am sure you can imagine what is on the list. Girls and sex are the main things. UGH!! I am dreading it already. Anyways... something funny happened the other day. We were reading my sister's blog and she has a song on it called Marooned Without You from Joe Versus the Volcano. While we were listening to it this is what was said:

Riley: "Mama, this sounds sad."
Me: "It's a love song."
Riley : "Love sounds sad"
Me: "It can be."

It was so cute that he thought it was sad and that he put it all together. I love my boy.


Elizabeth Downie said...
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michelle said...

I love those conversations that start with a simple question and touch on something really profound. What a sweet boy!