Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Best Thing

The best thing about living in Michigan is the Fall weather. Fall is my most favorite time of year. The cooler weather and the trees make this the most beautiful time of year around here. I will complain about Ann Arbor a lot, but campus and the surrounding areas are so gorgeous this time of year. The students drive me crazy but it is easy to ignore them knowing that Halloween and the rest of the holidays are just around the corner. This tree is actually right outside our church building. I love it when trees are just starting to change and there are so many different shades of red and green and yellow. The trees almost look like they are on fire. So amazing!!


michelle said...

That is an awesome tree! Love the colors!

Naomi said...

Ooooo . . . stop making me so jealous!

mollie said...

I cant believe how pretty that tree is!! That is insane! I was at the top of a mountain in MA and there were no trees like that!

Linz said...

Can I come visit????

Kristen said...

I love that very tree. :) That is one of the things I really miss about MI.