Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little Shopping Carts

I don't know if you guys have seen these. Some stores (our Hillers has them) have these little shopping carts that kids can push around while their parents shop. We never see them when we walk in the store but today Riley saw a kid pushing one and so we went to the front to get one. Besides him running into my legs, it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. He picked out some applesauce to put in his cart. It was so cute. We are going to have to do that again and I am going to bring my camera. Riley is hilarious.


Linz said...

I wish we had those!

Aimee said...

I know!! The other day when we were at Hiller's, Leo picked one up and followed Joel around. Stopped and looked at everything he looked at, and handled the cart really well. He ended up hauling all our produce in his cart and he was so proud. It was freakin' adorable!!

The Kennedys said...

Our old grocery store had those so it was called "the baby shopping cart store" :)

What I despise are the giant carts all the stores have now with cars/trucks attached that cannot be manuevered at ALL but my kids beg for them. Ugh, hate those!

bethy said...

I hate those big carts too. UGH!! Riley is always begging me to get those monstrosities. I have gotten one once and he didn't even like it. Like the isles at grocery stores aren't crowded enough without those HUGE things.