Saturday, March 7, 2009


Sometimes life can give you experiences that really make you think. There is a family in my ward who just lost their one month old son. He was born premature and was in the NICU his whole little life. The memorial for the little guy was today and I don't ever think I will forget the image of his dad carrying in the little tiny casket all by himself. His mom wrote a letter to her son and read it to everyone. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. She spoke of their experiences with him while he was in the hospital and his little characteristics he had shone. She spoke about how they would strive even harder in this life so that they can be reunited with him in the life to come. It was the most touching, beautiful letter I have ever heard. I have been telling Riley how much I love him all day and hope that I will be able to remember how I feel today. My heart is breaking for those poor people but envious of the faith they now have of the Plan of Salvation. I am so thankful for the gospel today and everyday. It gives hope that that family will be able to see their son again and his little body will be whole.

Thanks for your friendships and love.


Linz said...

Thank you so much for sharing this.

michelle said...

It's so important to take these little moments to realize how blessed we are to have these special little people in our lives. Thanks for the reminder!