Friday, March 20, 2009

Prune Juice

Today was my first experience with prune juice and I DIDN'T like it. The dark color was so unappetizing and it seemed so thick. YUCK. I am going to drink it but I won't like it.


michelle said...

One question...why would you do that? :)
I can't even give it to my kids!

AngiDe said...

Oh man.... are you having poopy issues??? So sad... try mixing it with grape juice.... it's what I did... doesn't help much, but its' a bit better. Good luck!


bethy said...

My sister said it was good, and you know... it never hurts to be a little more regular. :) Anywho.. mixing it sounds like a good idea. Chris just got home and drank some so maybe I am off the hook of trying to finish it by myself.

maryp said...

Geez! I didn't say it was my favorite drink of all time...why did you blame it on me??? I usually just take little sips here and there. I don't wolf down a whole glass in one sitting...that stuff is like molasses!!

Aimee said...

I don't know if it helps it taste better, but all my old fogey patients swear that warming it up in the microwave a little bit makes the, umm, desired outcome come out faster. Hoohaha, I crack myself up. You find a lot of humor in poop when you deal with it a lot. Hope your belly's feeling better soon!

bethy said...

Hilarious Aimee. I am going to try to eat more apples and pears. thanks for the advice. :)