Thursday, July 16, 2009

Your hearts deepest desire?

Because the new Harry Potter has come out, on TV they are showing all of the previous movies. I have to say that I am never really in love with the movies. I like them. They are fine. But I am too much of a purest when it comes to the books. Those books are so amazing to me. They are interesting and full of magic, which I have loved for as long as I can remember, starting with Narnia of course. Anyhow... we were watching the Sorceror's Stone the other night and a thought came to me. It was the part where Harry was running from getting in trouble and found the Mirror of Erised. This is a special mirror that when you look in it you see your heart's deepest desire. Poor Harry, who never knew his parents, saw them and could watch them move around.

It made me think... what would I see when I looked into the mirror? After thinking about it for a few days I have come to know that I would see myself old, with my honey, and children around me. My children would be grown with families of their own and we would all love each other and be strong and faithful members of the church. I think that my life is so full of unknowns right now that I long to know the end from the beginning. I long to know if Chris will get into Med School. I long to know what kind of man Riley will become and I long to know the rest of my babies. At times I think I would look into the mirror and see myself looking amazing with lots of stuff. But I guess that is the nice thing about the Mirror. It shows the heart's deepest desires and not just the stuff we want short term.

What would you see?


The Kennedys said...

This is one of the parts of HP that I hated. I wanted Harry to somehow meet his parents...or Sirius...again. I would see essentially what you see. I find myself hoping and praying lately that my girls make good decisions in life as they are getting older. I wish I could see them when they are 25 and with son in laws I approve of! :)

bethy said...

Amen to that. I see other kids around and how they are acting and it makes me scared for what Riley's peers will be like. As for meeting Harry's parents....I think that is why I always cry at the end of 4 and 7 because he actually gets to talk to his parents, even for a short while, and they are so loving and supportive.