Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I don't know about you all but I have some pretty crazy dreams sometimes. Like last night for example. (Disclaimer: You know how crazy dreams can be so bare with me) So the first part of the dream that I remember I was in the Olympics (see disclaimer) and I was running in a race. Edward (but I think I knew he was Chris) was there too and he was running in his own race. I ran super fast and it was a possibility that I could medal depending on the other races. Edward won the gold for his race and I couldn't wait to tell him (because for some reason he didn't know). Then the next thing that I remembered I was at the Cullen house and we were all just hanging out.

Now... I know what some of you are thinking... THAT I AM CRAZY!! but what is up with crazy dreams? I don't even remember thinking about Edward or the Olympics or anything that had to do with this dream.

This is just one example of my subconscious working stuff out. Anyhoo... just thought I would share. If any of you have crazy dreams to share I am sure we would all love to hear about them.


AngiDe said...

you Twilight freak you! ;) What a funny dream. Seriously you could fall asleep thinking about one thing and then dream about something totally different. Happens to me all the time. But, I like your dream.... speed, hot guy, the olympics, hot guy, gold medals, did I mention hot guy? ;)

Linz said...

Dude mine are even crazier! I've always wanted to be one of those people who get like cool messages in their dreams but the only message I get from my absolutely surreal dreams is that I am crazy!!

michelle said...

Okay so I had this dream about someone trying to break into my house the other night. When I woke up I was freaked out and sat there listening to "house noise" for like an hour before I fell back to sleep!
Aren't I too old for nightmares???!
Would love to dream about Edward!

kemp-y-QUA!! said...

last night i dreamed my mama pissed me off and then died in a plane crash where i (and my backpack full of rice in handy ziplock bags) was the only survivor. the good news was the plane wrecked on hawaii....and i had rice to eat.
wierd. why cant i dream about hot guys?