Friday, August 1, 2008

Twilight Series

Well I just started the book Twilight. I thought I would give it a try since a lot of people have told me how good the books are. So far it is pretty interesting. The newest book in the series comes out tonight and I have friends going to the party. What is up with these books like the HP series and Twilight where they have such a huge fan base that stores have release parties. I wonder if Tolkin would have had such a response when Lord of the Rings came out? I bet he would have considering the followings the movies had. Anywho...I hate jumping on the band wagon most of the time, but I guess my friends and family would never steer me wrong.


Meg said...

I'm glad you have a blog! I sent you an invite to ours. Enjoy Twilight- I also did not want to read them at first but now I'm hooked- in a normal way... :)

The Kennedys said...

I am eagerly anticipating my book to arrive tomorrow! Hope you love them! Welcome to the blogging world!

Activities said...

i've read all the twilight books that there are now and i'll probably read the next. i was hesitant since i don't do teen stuff but i was pleasantly surprised i'm not going to lie. i'm glad you have a blog!

Mandy said...

I am so glad you have a blog now! It is adorable! I have saved it to my favorites and will be checking it often! I wish I could get into books, but it seems I have too many other unfinished projects!

AngiDe said...

YAY, hullo. Where have you been?!?! Glad you are enjoying my books! ;)

my favorite color is green said...

hi there! I'm happy you have a blog for me to read now.

Linz said...

I read all three this past Spring and enjoyed it although I wish I hadn't heard of all the hype before reading them! I'm excited to ready #4 but I'm not in a hurry, I'm on the hold list at the library!