Saturday, November 29, 2008

"Thanksgiving means giving thanks"

That was a quote from my brother when we were younger but it is so true. I just got done reading my few blogs I read and started getting emotional about all of the things people are thankful for. I try to be thankful all year round and am often times not very successful. I am pretty selfish and want a lot of things but I also love giving things to others. I love the holiday season because I have reasons to look for and buy the perfect gift for those I love. I love Christmas. I love decorating my house for Christmas time. I love when Riley says cute things like "Santa love Riley. Jesus love Riley. Mama love Riley. Dada love Riley." and he tells me he wants to sit on Santa's lap and tell him he wants a backhoe. He is loving all of the lights people put up and loves how the stores decorate for Christmas time and will shout "Mama look... Christmas time". I love my family and wish I could see more of them during this time of year.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.


maryp said...

riley is so cute! which bro said that memorable quote?

bethy said...

jake did

Linz said...

That's adorable! I love that he says "Christmas time". What's a backhoe?

bethy said...

The construction machine. It is basically a digger. can you tell I have a boy because I actually know... hilarious.

michelle said...

You can add me and my girls to the list of people who love Riley...what a cutie. It's so fun when they are old enough to be excited for Christmas.