Thursday, June 4, 2009

"I be so brave!"

Today was Riley's 3 year check-up (a little late, I know, but I totally spaced it for awhile) and to say that I was scared was putting it mildly. Somewhere between one and two, Riley gained and intense fear of the doctor. I am sure that kind of thing is normal but it was still hard. He would constantly say "I no go doctor!" over and over again on our way to the office and the crying would begin as soon as we were taken back. Weighing and measuring was always a nightmare and forget the doctor even getting his hands on Riley without a serious wrestling match. For a well visit it wasn't that big of a deal, but if there was actually something wrong it was a problem. UGH!! So, the older Riley gets the stronger he gets and the louder he gets and so I was scared about today. I was even avoiding telling him about it until the very last moment.

But, I should give my sweet son some credit. I told him about the appointment yesterday and he was fine. I prepared him all day, telling him that we would go to the park before and there would be ice cream after. He responded "I be so brave." He kept saying that and he was great. Being 3 now the visit is a little different. They wanted to check his eyes and they gave him a little gown to wear. He didn't like the paper gown. He said it felt weird but he did great at the eye test and every other exam they had to do. I love that my son is old enough to reason with and is smart enough to know I would never let anything bad happen to him. Riley is awesome.


maryp said...

they made him wear a paper gown??? Did you get a picture of that??? And why do they call those things a "gown" anyways??? It's the farthest thing from a gown I've ever seen! Good job Riley in being so brave!!!

bethy said...

If i would have known they would put him in a paper "cat in the hat" gown there would be a pic. it was the cutest thing i have ever seen. it went down to him ankles. hilarious.

Linz said...

What a change in behavior. So happy for BOTH of you!

Erin said...

that paper gown should be his next halloween costume!! How absolutely adorable..."I be so brave". Go Riley!! :)

The Kennedys said...

Good job Riley! This sounds like our dentist experiences other than this last one which was a dream, but the other times I would get in a sweat just thinking about Madsie at the dentist!!!

Larisa said...

Yeah, Riley! We call those kind of moments "Shangri-La" moments. Things like being potty-trained, being able to pour a cup of juice, reading alone. Anything that makes life just a bit easier for us. Our latest? Ethan turning 18 and being considered an ADULT! Does that mean we still have to pay for everything???

bethy said...

Funny Larisa, I would say no, but that is a good question. :)