Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pregnancy and dreams...

I don't know if I am alone on this one but when I am pregnant my dreams are messed up!! Before I had Riley I would have dreams where my baby got switched at the hospital (with and Indian couple of all people) or that I left my baby on a high place and just walked away. Basically it was neglect that I was worrying about I guess.

With this baby so far I have had two dreams. One was good and the other was HORRIBLE!! My first one was that I had a baby boy with a ton of dark hair (he actually looked like the baby of some friends of ours, so I think that is where that one came from). That one wasn't so bad. But just last night I had a really disturbing dream: I was cooking for a bunch of people and Riley was helping me, as he often will, and I was really frazzled trying to get all the food done. I walked away and the next thing that I knew, Riley was sticking both hands a pot of boiling water and his little hands burst out in blisters and he was just crying and crying. I was so upset that I woke up and said a prayer to get those images out of my head. I felt bad for a little while and had to remind myself that Riley was fine and sleeping in his bed.

What is up with that??? I feel like I am telling myself I should NOT be having more kids because I can't even take care of the one I have!! UGH!! I know that's not true. Riley is awesome, but I guess I am more worried about it than I thought.

Am I alone in this or does anyone else have some crazy pregnant dreams to share?


michelle said...

I have totally had dreams like that. I had one where I delivered the baby at home and forgot to feed it for like a whole day. Also in that dream I put the baby in the microwave and set it to defrost for like 15 know, just to warm the baby up a little.

I think we work through our fears in dreams...I have ones about preschool all the time in which I can't get any of the kids to listen to don't worry!

The Kennedys said...

Oh, that sounds bad. I only have vivid dreams once in a while, but I hate them. It's probably just underlying stress, but no worries because I agree you will be a great Mom and having two is so fun. I stressed about it because I couldn't imagine being able to love a 2nd baby as much as the 1st, but guess what? It all worked out! ;)

Naomi said...

Yes! I have rotten dreams. And with my first, I thought and thought about what they might mean, etc. Now, I am generally too tired to put much thought into them. I say a prayer like you did, and then just try not to think of them at all. They just make you fret, and what good does that do? You are a great mom already, and you will only get better with two.

kemp-y-QUA!! said...

i have whacked dreams, but i try to only remember the good ones... like the one about a dance off deciding the outcome of the civil war. that was pretty funny- the whole story is on my blog.

hope your dreams get better!

Julie M. said...

Hey Beth! I haven't checked up on ya in a while! Congrats on the boy!! It must be in the water, that's all my friends are having!

So I have THE weirdest dreams! Mostly I have random people I haven't seen in years in mine. Or Lane does something to make me mad, and then I wake up furious with him! Too funny. I think if we're going to have weird dreams, we should at least be able to forget them! :) Good luck!