Monday, June 15, 2009

Pursuit of Happyness

This movie was on last night. Have you ever seen it? I had mixed emotions about it. Even though I knew how it ended I was still stressed out. I was pretty much sad through the entire movie. Will Smith and his adorable son made you love them and wish they could have just had it a little easier. It was good though because it made me realize how much we really have. This caused me to have a little self reflection.

For those of you who know me best, know that I like to look cute and I like nice things (champagne taste on a Koolaid budget if you will). I love to get new clothes and shoes and kind of wish I wasn't like that sometimes. I wish I was one of those people who have a hard time spending money on themselves or who hated shopping. I LOVE shopping. I am one of those people who get a high from it and could shop very often. I love finding a deal, but more than that, I love finding a beautiful pair of heels that make my legs look amazing or a pair of pants that fit just right. Ya know what I mean?!?!? Anywho... I know I can't really change who I am but when I see a movie about a guy like Chris Gardner, it makes me think. It makes me want to be better.

On a different note, the movie also made me love Riley more than ever. It made me want to go pick him out of his bed and hug him forever. It made me want to be a better mom. If you have seen the movie let me know if you felt the same.


michelle said...

When Kody and I saw this movie it really made us stop and think how blessed we are to be able to provide for our children and how lucky we were to grow up in the families we did!

Naomi said...

Love, love, love this movie. Saw it in the theatre and cried and cried. I recorded it on TV and plan to watch it with Dirk soon, and I NEVER want to rewatch movies. It made me want to open a homeless shelter or something.

bethy said...

I totally know what you mean. It made me want to do something to help people so they don't have to sleep in a subway bathroom. I loved his little boy. Man, acting runs in the family!!!