Friday, September 5, 2008

And the verdict was....

Guilty...unfortunately. I felt he was guilty, but it was a hard day. We deliberated for a while on Wednesday and still were undecided so we all took the opportunity to sleep on it and came back Thursday and talked for another few hours and decided on guilty. It was an armed robbery case and it turns out that this was the guy's 4th felony he was charged with. I started to cry when we walked into the court room and the poor guy was in his hand cuffs because they brought him from prison. It was a hard thing to see.

There were so many things that I wished were different in this world. The lawyers mentioned that he had a bunch of foster brothers and it just seemed like no one really cared about this kid. It all makes me want to mentor kids or something to show kids that they can be kids and that someone cares about them. It makes me want to love Riley so much and makes me grateful for the church. It was a good opportunity.


Christina said...

I've also have always wondered what it would be like to be on jury duty. I love John Grisham books so I always imagine it to be this glamourous thing but it's probably not that way. Anyway, thanks for doing your part for our justice system!

AngiDe said...

What a crazy, amazing, scary, sad experience! We're gonna have to get together so that you can tell me all about it!

michelle said...

Beth Ann you are so cute! The fact that you felt sorry for and wanted to help the poor convict shows what a good heart you have!

Naomi said...

Oh my goodness. That is intense! What a responsibility! I hope I never get jury duty. The way we move around, I think I'm safe. Anyway, I'm getting my Andersen fix tonight, since I haven't been checking blogs for awhile. I am SO glad you have a blog!

You looked SO cute for your high school reunion! I'm talking better than your-turn-to-teach-relief-society cute. I'm talking society pages cute. Way to knock 'em dead.