Monday, September 29, 2008

Ypsi High revisited

This past Friday was my 10 year high school reunion. I had heard about it from a few people I had graduated with over the last few months and knew I wanted to go. This may be a shock to most of you because I will frequently talk about how much I hate running into people I knew from high school. I wanted to go however because it was under a different situation. It wasn't like I was running to Wal-mart in my jammies and happened to run into someone I hadn't seen in 10 years. I looked cute (thanks Biggest Loser) and I had a beautiful family to talk about. It was different being around school people again because I mostly hang out with LDS people, but it was fun. I reconnected with some of my good friends whom I hadn't seen in a long time. (of course I always have run into people that I wasn't really friends with at places like walmart). Here are some pictures from it.My gorgeous friend Hoodo who I had known for a long time and was so happy to see.

Erica, Anna, JD and myself.

Me and my sweetie. He was an amazing date. He was a champ at talking to people he had never met. It made me love him even more.


maryp said...

Ypsi High forever!!!! Go braves!!! Even though beth just told me they are now the Phoenix, rising out of the dust for sure!!!!

mollie said...

Ypsi!!! WHOOO!! You looked great Beth! That is true that when its on your terms its much better then just bumping into someone! Plus you have so much more to brag about with your awesome little family then most of them I am sure!

michelle said...

We were wrong... you're not only the most beautiful girl in Normandy but also the most beautiful girl at Ypsi!!!
Tell Chris he is a real trooper, my husband sulked through my 10 year reunion.

You really do look wonderful and I bet it is nice being back with classmates when you have had such a good life and are such a good person!

NTG said...

You should have brought Riley!! You are looking good sis! Way to go! Cant wait to see you guys this week!

Linz said...

You look fabulous! And cute pink skirt!!

AngiDe said...

Dang girl you definitely turned up the heat, cuz you look SMOKIN HOT!! Nice job! Glad you had a fun time! And your right, your Hoodo friend is cute, you should tell her to audition!

Abbigail said...

Fun. I have not gone to any of my high school reunions because I am always away. But it looks like you had fun and you looked great!